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Tier3 Consulting
My3Mail Welcome

Welcome to the Tier3 Consulting My3Mail “Friends and Family” Free Email Web site.  Sorry, this is not dial-up or high speed access to the internet... it’s just email the way you want it!

Tier3 Consulting has been serving the Internet community since January, 1999. We specialize in all types of Internet Business Solutions.

At this site, you will discover all about our “Friends and Family” FREE email service, My3Mail.net. Feel free to browse around this site. If you have comments or questions about our products or services, or simply need more information and want to contact us, click on the contact button on any page within this site.

It’s FREE... just like the other free ones... ONLY WITHOUT THE COMMERCIALS!!!  So, if you have another “free” account (or even a “not so free account”) but do not want all the advertisements and additons to your “signature,” just let us know.  I’ll also give you a 20MB limit instead of 2MB... so email and receive pictures all you want!

Free email services are great if you change ISP’s often and do not want to have to change your email address too. If you’ve ever changed email addresses, you  might consider getting a My3Mail account.

Each account comes with webmail service (accessible from anywhere on the internet), UNLIMITED email alias’ (i.e. john.doe, johnny.doe), POP3 or IMAP access, anti-spam and anti-virus filtering, and a personal control panel to maintain your own account information (i.e. passwords and vacation reply). AND, we will not add a commercial to the end of each email you send out!!!

You can use My3mail.net, My3Mail.com or My3Mail.us (or all of the above) with one login. This works great if you want to keep business contacts and personal contacts separate...  just give them a different email address (i.e johnny@my3mail.net for the guys at work and johnny@my3mail.com for your mom) ;-) OR... just forward one of these accounts to your business account and/or keep a copy on the server for at home.  It’s your mail, get it where you want.

Individual users also receive their own personal web sites at the URL: http://www.my3mail.net/~<username>/

NOTE:  Don’t forget the “~” BEFORE your username!

Thanks for visiting and we look forward to serving you.

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